On the 11th of May, the Wellington Medical Students Association hosted a Pink Ribbon Breakfast in the Medical School, to raise funds for the New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation. Breast cancer is the leading cancer diagnosis in New Zealand women, with over 3000 new diagnoses each year and over 600 deaths. However, 20 men are also diagnosed with breast cancer each year, with 1% of cases affecting men. This means that it is a significant health problem within New Zealand, and early diagnosis allows for a better prognosis.
The Pink Ribbon Breakfast is a campaign run by the New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation, aiming to put more money into research to improve survivorship, and support services for patients and their whanau. It also aims to create awareness and education around self-breast checks, recognising lumps, and seeking early medical attention. Last year, a fantastic 1.7 million dollars was raised through this campaign.
The WMSA Pink Ribbon Breakfast was a huge hit, with around 35 guests attending, of both staff and students. The food was abundant, and the room was filled with feelings of support for the event. Over $1200 was raised for the Breast Cancer Foundation through ticket sales and a raffle. We were also able to donate boxes of leftover food to Ronald McDonald House and the Child Cancer Foundation, who were both very grateful. This event would not have been possible without the great organising work of Sophie D, Lucy C, Eleanor W, Georgia B and Elena M (WMSA members). We would also like to thank the sponsors of the breakfast: Countdown, Six Barrel Soda Co., My Food Bag (Nadia Lim), Skin Institute, Floriditas, Mahakipawa Mews, Black Olive Luxury House, Penthouse Cinema, Lighthouse Cinema, Hells Pizza, Southern Cross Bar and Restaurant, Chow, Library Bar, Little Waffle Shop, Motel Bar, Simply Food Catering, Columbus Coffee Newtown, Zaida, The Riddiford Bar and Bistro, Pranah Cafe, Cafe Polo, Arobake, Newtown Greengrocer, and Mediterranean Foods Warehouse.